In mid-century America, cities such as Los Angeles and New York were repeatedly shrouded in thick brown fog—sometimes so lung-burningly toxic that it was mistaken for a chemical-weapon attack by a foreign power—and air pollution became an urgent issue. Legislation to curb it began appearing in the U.S. and other countries in the nineteen-fifties. After the passage of the Clean Air Act, government research dollars flowed to scientists looking to understand and to mitigate the sources and the health effects of air pollution. But there was still almost no funding available for research into indoor air. Charles Weschler became one of just a few scientists in the field when he went to work for Bell Labs, in 1975, soon after completing a Ph.D. in chemistry. The company had noticed that the equipment in its telephone switching offices was failing faster than expected; it turned out that wire relays were being eaten away by an acidic, invisible indoor smog. Weschler told me that the little indoor-air research that was being done at the time was mostly geared not toward protecting people but toward preserving things.
As we have reported on RenewEconomy, renewable or “green hydrogen” is increasingly being seen as a vital ingredient to Australia’s shift to low-carbon energy generation – not to mention low-carbon transport. But the technology, so far, remains economically and logistically out of reach.
Glucose consumption (mg/L) over time (h) for PHB producing E.coli in conventional and MBD sparged fermentations at different agitation rates (n = 2)
I have a friend who works for a big software company, and they’re trying to figure out what to do with blockchain.
On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, including: Potable Water Treatment, Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Gas Disinfection,
And to put everything in perspective, as long as the world is finite, Peak Oil is as immutable a physical Law as gravity. In the year 2075 we will not be driving around in petroleum powered vehicles because oil will simply be to precious to waste on such extravagance.
I think you are laboring under a misconception. You are placing value on crypto currencies, rather than on the technology behind them, namely blockchain. The technology will proceed forward, but rather think the crypto currencies will be left out.
This assumes that every EV will be driven 200-300 miles every day to empty out the battery completely every day and that it then has to be recharged fully every day. This assumption is kind of nuts. If you drive 250 miles every day, that’s 95,000 miles per year! A few people might drive this much, but in the UK the average is 8,000 miles per year per vehicle (2015). That’s 22 miles per day. So the charge required every night is what it takes to refill the juice used by 22 miles of driving. This is less than one-tenth of what you used in your assumption.
“It accentuates the idea of ‘think globally and act locally,’” said Schaeffer, the father of two daughters and grandfather of four. “People think that the only way to make any real change is to do it themselves. That means lowering their carbon footprint and going off the grid.”
Last time I was in Amsterdam, in a fit of nostalgia, I smoked maybe 15 mm of a joint I and was completely smashed for a few hours (luckily I have some experience from a misspent youth, so I did not panic or anything). This was not fun at all and I don’t really understand why, even, if anyone actually enjoys this. Metaphorically speaking, the modern pot feels like a toilet plunger that attaches to your face and sucks you right into the high whatever you like it or not and it’s sticky and takes effort to pull off!
Sinbad, you said ‘Battery technology has gone from lead acid to Nickel Cadmium to NiMH and currently Lithium ion. There is roughly 7 times more energy in a Li-ion battery than a lead acid battery of the same size and twice the power of a nicad.’. True, but this technological progress has taken about a century. How long do you think we have to wait until we get batteries with 7 times the energy density of Li-Ion? Oh, and when do you think the various methanol subsidies will be unnecessary? In at least one state here in Oz the state government has forced gas stations to sell the E10 (10% ethanol) blend, even though car owners don’t want it even at a subsidised price.
The Major Manufacturers covered in this report: OZONIA (Suez), Wedeco (Xylem), Mitsubishi Electric, Toshiba, Primozone, Metawater, Ozono Elettronica Internazionale, MKS, Oxyzone, DEL, ESCO lnternational, Qingdao Guolin Industry, Newland EnTech, Koner, Taixing Gaoxin, Jiuzhoulong, Tonglin Technology, Hengdong, Sankang Envi-tech,
Gardening in a polluted paradise: Is it safe? — ScienceDaily | Tube Ozone Generator Related Video:
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